Sunday, March 21, 2010

Have You or Your Loved One Suffered From a Serious Avandia Injury?

The facts surrounding the type-2 diabetes prescription drug Avandia are now becoming clearer. This drug may have been harming people since its release on the market over a decade ago, and if you or a loved one believe you have sustained a serious Avandia Injury after taking this prescription drug, then you should realize that there are legal options available to you which could lead to you winning compensation for your suffering.

Rosiglitazone, otherwise known as the type-2 diabetes drug Avandia was supposed to be a tremendously positive drug for those suffering from diabetes, but it now turns out that this drug may cause a great deal of harm, and if you or your loved one has sustained a heart attack, heart failure, or other serious Avandia Injury, then it may be possible for you to receive justice, but it will take the help of a qualified attorney with prescription drug case experience. Needless to say, the next step you should take is to contact an attorney who can provide you with the legal advice that you need.

It is not known exactly how many people have suffered an Avandia Injury, but as more negative evidence about this drug comes forth, the numbers will likely be bigger than most people think. If you would like to learn more about Avandia, or if you would like to have the opportunity to get in touch with a qualified attorney, then please visit the Avandia Information and Support Center website and feel free to fill out the simple contact form for a free legal consultation with an experienced attorney.